Just Say No to Tear Gas

Greens were out at Judkins Park gathering signatures to get an Ecosocialist ballot line in Washington State… doing what the SOS insisted and getting physical signatures… long story short SPD needs to check themselves.

Tuesday, January 26th at 9:30AM, the Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee will meet to discuss and vote on on police use of tear gas, chemical weapons, flash bangs, and “crowd control” weapons.

Sign up for public commentary begins at 0730 for Council Bill 119981.

CB 119981: “AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 126237, which adopted the 2021 Budget, including the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; and adding or modifying provisos.”

Comment Peaceful Warriors.

Support SB 5204!

Medicare For All/ Single Payer Allies at Whole Washington have brought a timely piece of legislation.

Read it here.

Green Party | Ecosocialism


Greens recognize the need for self-defense as well as the defense of others who are in helpless situations, but oppose war for economic gain, prisons for profit, and a militarized police force at home. 
We advocate for deescalation and non-violent methods to promote lasting personal, community and global peace.


Ecological Wisdom

We are part of nature, not separate from nature. Future generations will benefit if we practice agriculture which replenishes the soil; move to an energy efficient economy; and live with respect for all natural systems. Let us be wise in the decisions we make today to preserve the integrity of our world for future generations.
Water is Life.

Grassroots Empowerment

Greens hold public representatives at every level of government fully accountable to the people who elect them. Greens support political entities which expand the process of participatory democracy by directly including citizens in the building of beneficial and relevant public policy. 

Social Justice

We must consciously confront in ourselves, our organizations, and society at large, barriers such as racism and class oppression, sexism and homophobia, ageism and ableism, which act to deny fair treatment and equal justice under the law.

Ecosocialism is a vision of a transformed society in harmony with nature, and the development of practices that can attain it. It is directed toward alternatives to all socially and ecologically destructive systems, such as patriarchy, racism, homophobia and the fossil-fuel based economy.



Seattle Chapter Shows 2040

If we want to create a Sustainable Future we must imagine it first. GPSEA streamed this film on !nauguration Day.

“Fact Based Dreaming” is how the director describes 2040 The Regeneration. Using items from the “Drawdown List” the film is a vision of what the future will look like if we reprioritize. The film was made in Australia, a place where Greens are overtly influential. Plenty of veiled and non-threatening references to the destructive toll of Extractive Capitalism. The film basically shows what could be an Ecosocialist future.

If you missed it the first time GPWA is deciding if they want to show it again, but they have to vote to purchase the screening. Did you see it? What did you think?


Bylaws of the Green Party of Seattle

– Revised March 22, 2017


1. Name

The name of this political party shall be the Green Party of Seattle.


2.1. Purpose Statement

The purpose of this political party shall be to work toward a Green society through participating in the political process. Our vision is represented by the Ten Key Values of the Green Party: ∙ Grassroots Democracy∙ Social Justice and Equal Opportunity∙ Ecological Wisdom∙ NonViolence∙ Decentralization∙ Community Based Economics∙ Feminism and Gender Equity∙ Respect for Diversity∙ Personal and Global Responsibility∙ Future Focus and Sustainability

2.2. Methods

The Green Party of Seattle may use any and all methods of nonviolent social change: direct action, community organizing and education, personal empowerment, issue campaigns, ballot initiatives, and/or electoral campaigns; and their related strategies and tactics.


3.1. Application for Membership

Membership in the Green Party of Seattle is open to any person, regardless of age, race, color, national origin, spiritual belief, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, or physical challenge who pays annual dues or does work in lieu of payment. A membership applicant shall sign an application form which shall state that the applicant is in general agreement with the Ten Key Values and the Bylaws of the Green Party of Seattle. Steps will be taken to protect the applicant’s anonymity upon request as noted on the application form.

3.2. Beginning of Membership

Membership shall begin three weeks after a prospective member’s application form is received by the Membership Coordinator. Powers of membership shall be granted to new members following this three week period.

3.3. Powers and Duties of Members

Members may vote on issues and serve on the Coordinating Council and committees.

3.4. Good Standing

Membership in the Green Party of Seattle is based on mutual respect. Members participate in good faith in discussion and decision making and resolve conflicts peaceably. Members shall refrain from abusive and disruptive behavior. Members who fulfill these responsibilities shall be in good standing with the Green Party of Seattle. Any member who fails to fulfill these responsibilities may be subject to suspension or removal. (See Section 4.13.)


4.1. The General Membership Meeting

The General Membership Meeting shall be open to all members of the Green Party of Seattle.

4 2. Sessions of the General Membership Meeting

General Membership Meetings shall be held at least six times a year. Preliminary notice and agendas of General Membership Meetings shall be made available to those in the GPoS database at least one week in advance. The final text of proposed bylaw amendments (see 6.2.) and notice of GPoS Coordinating Committee elections including candidate profiles shall be sent to the Secretary three weeks before a General Membership Meeting and available to those in the GPoS database at least two weeks in advance.

4.3. General Powers of the Membership

The General Membership is the ultimate decision making authority in the Green Party of Seattle. Only the General Membership can reverse or modify a previous decision made by the General Membership. The decisions of the Coordinating Council must be consistent with all decisions made by the General Membership. The General Membership may elect or recall any members of the Coordinating Council, revoke the charter of committees and working groups, amend the Bylaws as necessary, adopt a Party Platform, select Green Party candidates for public office, and endorse ballot measures and preferred candidates. The General Membership may also choose for the Green Party of Seattle to affiliate with, or to withdraw affiliation from, a larger geographical body of Greens such as the Green Party of Washington. The Membership may also request a revision of any Coordinating Council decision by submitting a petition signed by at least five members in good standing to either the Coordinating Council or directly to any General Membership Meeting. Once a revision petition has achieved five signatures and has been submitted, it must be addressed at every subsequent Coordinating Council and General Membership meeting until it is resolved. If a petition is submitted during the course of a Coordinating Council or General Membership meeting when agenda alteration is permitted, it may be addressed at that meeting.

4.4. Coordinating Council

The Coordinating Council of the Green Party of Seattle shall be composed of members elected by the Membership. These shall include, but not be limited to, a Facilitator, Secretary, Treasurer. At least one of the three officers (Facilitator, Secretary, and Treasurer) elected must be a woman. Voting for these CC members will be by blind balloting, with each of the three officers being elected separately using instant runoff voting. The total number of Coordinating Council members shall not exceed seven. Voting for at-large CC members will be by blind balloting, with the officers elected from the group of candidates using instant runoff voting. CC members must be members in good standing of Green Party of Seattle.

4.5. Coordinating Council Sessions

The Coordinating Council shall meet at least once a month. Any Green Party of Seattle member in good standing may propose agenda items, but only Council members may vote.

4.6. Coordinating Council Powers

The Coordinating Council shall initiate, finalize and oversee the Strategic Plan; develop and implement the annual Budget; oversee the Political Platform; develop Political Strategy; hire and supervise any employees of the Party; and charter working groups. The Coordinating Council shall facilitate work between Membership Meetings. The Coordinating Council shall make endorsements and statements only in keeping with policies set by the General Membership Meetings. If and when necessary, the Coordinating Council shall serve as the legal Board of the organization. At each General Membership Meeting the Coordinating Council shall report on its activities since the previous General Membership Meeting. Major Coordinating Council decisions may be brought to the Membership for review and revision.

4.7. Coordinating Council Terms of Service

The Coordinating Council members shall be elected for one year terms by the Membership. They shall be limited to three consecutive terms, after which they shall be ineligible for service for a period of not less than one year.

4.8. Facilitator

The Facilitator shall facilitate or arrange for facilitation of the Coordinating Council and General Membership Meetings. The Facilitator shall also prepare the agenda for these meetings, with the assistance of the Secretary. Agenda items may also be submitted by any member in good standing. All agenda items submitted by the membership should be part of the minutes. The Facilitator shall assist with conflict resolution within the Party.

4.9. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and publishing minutes of all Membership and Coordinating Council meetings, notifying the membership of upcoming meetings, and keeping and making available accurate records. The Secretary shall exercise special care to make records, announcements, and other important communication easily accessible to members without Internet access. The Secretary shall assist the Facilitator in developing the agendas for the CC and GM meetings.

4.10. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall prepare yearly budgets and monitor ongoing expenses. The Treasurer shall keep the accounting, or arrange with a qualified professional to do so, and will report monthly to the Coordinating Council and the Membership Meeting. The Treasurer and one other specified Coordinating Council member may sign checks.

4.13. Suspension and Removal

Any member of the Coordinating Council who has not attended three consecutive CC in-person meetings and/or CC conference calls without explanation, shall be considered to have resigned. The Coordinating Council will announce an election to fill the vacancy as specified in 4.2. Any member of the Coordinating Council or of the Green Party of Seattle may be suspended or removed for cause by a 3/4vote of the Coordinating Council. This decision may be overturned by a 3/4 vote of the membership as referenced in 4.3. The term of suspension or removal shall be determined by the Coordinating Council. A suspended member is not in good standing, and may not participated in consensus decision making, voting, or electronic communications. A removed member is restricted as a suspended member is, and additionally may not attend meetings, except those portions of meetings where the appeal is part of the agenda.

4.14. Appeals

Any member who is suspended or removed from membership may appeal her/his suspension or removal. Appeals may be made to the Coordinating Council or directly to the Membership. One appeal may be submitted per term of suspension or removal.

4.16. Caucuses

A caucus of likeminded members may form at any time. A caucus shall be free to work with the CC, Working Groups, or the General Membership. A caucus should be consulted by other bodies of the organization on issues dealing with their area of interest.

4.18. Other Functional Bodies

At least five members in good standing may establish other functional bodies or working groups on an interim basis. The Coordinating Council shall review and confirm the functional body or working group and confirm the chair of the functional body or working group.


5.1. Methodology

Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed at General Membership Meetings (GMM’s), except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws. Decisions regarding meeting process motions will always be taken by majority vote. Otherwise, except for amendments to these Bylaws, the GMM shall seek consensus in its decision making, after hearing all views and concerns in full, subject to time constraints. Significant minority concerns shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. If it is not possible to reach consensus within a reasonable amount of time, the decision shall be taken by simple majority vote for candidate endorsements, and by 60%majority vote otherwise.


6.1. Procedure for Amendment

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted to the Secretary no later than three weeks prior to the Membership Meeting at which the proposed Amendments shall be considered. In order to be considered, an Amendment must have the support of three members in good standing.

6.2. Notification

The Secretary shall communicate to all members at least two weeks in advance of a Membership Meeting at which an amendment or amendments to these Bylaws are to be considered [a] the date of the meeting, [b] the complete text of the amendment(s) under consideration, and [c] any other information useful in considering the value of the proposed amendment(s).

6.3. Ratification

Amendments to these Bylaws may only be adopted by a two thirds majority vote of a Membership Meeting.


Donate to Green Party of Seattle

Help GPSEA Grow!

Note from GPSEA Acting Treasurer:

Full Disclosure, we will not share your personal information unless there is an inquiry from Washington State, and then we will of course comply. Please follow this link to our Donation Page. You must be over 18 to donate.

GPSEA Meetings are now online via Zoom and are open to the public. However, in order to vote on proposals or bring proposals to the group, you must be a member of GPWA [Green Party of Washington], not be an officer of any other political party, and live or work or attend school in Seattle or King County.

We are all unpaid volunteers and we value your time as well. The link to Volunteer is here at the GPWA site.

Welcome to the real Grassroots. The Donation button says “Green Party of Seattle Treasurer”, however funds go into the GPSEA account, not to me personally. I’m not great at fundraising, but maybe the next Treasurer will be.

The reality is that we operate on very little money and are mostly powered by people who serendipitously show up to do things like plant trees, feed un-homed neighbors, collect signatures, help plan marches, maintain web pages and databases, table at community events, comment on legislation, monitor City of Seattle Council Meetings, attend GPWA meetings, represent us at the National Committee, road trips to Olympia, put up signage send out emails, etc. We are a herd of different free-thinking cats yet cohesive enough to move forward as a community on the things that we agree on.

Although it breaks my little EcoSocialist heart to say so, we have a huge potential for growth as the political home of the original Green New Deal, but not without more money.

Real talk: The Green Party Political Platform is the only one that makes sense, mainly because it is the only one built on sustainable public policy. The cartel parties of War and Wall Street have blinders on. Sending rich people to space on the corporate welfare dime is not an actual solution. There is no planet B.

Don’t donate money if that creates a hardship for you, your time is also valuable and we would really appreciate some of that as well. We do not collect monetary donations from PACs, businesses, or corporations.

Thank you for helping us grow!

-Alice B Green, Treasurer GPSEA

Back in 2017

Political Engagement Basics for Seattle Greens

Seattle City Hall

Greens must engage with the political process, and be the change that we want to see. Responsive Public Policy starts with empowerment of the Grassroots. We all benefit from Climate and Racial Justice, Social Safety Nets like Housing, Healthcare, Food Security, and Emergency Infrastructure, and Eduction.
Collaborative problem solving based on Public Listening and Citizen Input will make Seattle strong.

Use your voice.
Talk to your City Council Representatives, they work for you.
More Seattle City Council Videos on the Seattle Channel.
Greens in Olympia

Our  EverGreen State capital is where Legislators convene to make policy decisions. Olympia is where voters and lobbyists can meet with representatives and talk face to face about their concerns.
Building Policy for the common good is the whole point of politics.
Politicians that have a real call to public service actually do this work and are willing to meet with constituents.
Talk to your Legislative District Representative, know who they are.

Washington State Legislation
Look up Bills by topic in the Washington State Legislature.
Washington State Senate and State House Representatives together make your State Legislature.
HB= House Bill. SB= Senate Bill. Bills have Sponsors, is your LD Representing you?
Companion Bills mean sponsors in both houses support the legislation.
Anatomy of a Bill : https://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/
If you are running for office as a member of another party Green Party of Seattle members may still endorse you as their “preferred candidate”.

Fill out our candidate questionnaire so that members may review it, come to a meeting and tell us why we should vote for you. Greens base political endorsements on the Green values based framework. Our endorsement is relevant to other Progressives because of these values.
Email to Hello@ gpsea.org
Mail a hard copy to:
Green Party of Seattle
PO Box 70493
Seattle WA 98127

Critical Thinking for Green Voters.

Are the people in office working for us?
Do they represent their constituents or only their party? 
Do they actually work on public policy?
Do they facilitate positive change?
Do they make sense, or deflect from difficult topics?
Do they communicate a vision, or transmit fears?
Do they strengthen communities or disenfranchise them?
Do they make more time time for citizens or for lobbyists?

Is public policy useful? Is it helping citizens live dignified, healthy and rewarding lives? Does it protect the vulnerable with social safety nets? Does it preserve natural resources for the future? Does it respect biodiversity? Is it sustainable?
Politicians do not walk on water.  [Not even Bernie is perfect folks.]
Human beings make mistakes;  are they accountable when they do?

Greens are in solidarity with all issue driven groups in alignment with our ‘four pillars’. We prefer Social solutions to Extractive Capitalism.

Different Kind of Cats


GPWA applauds TRU Helping Our Homeless Neighbors in Seattle

In the GPWA effort to obtain enough signatures to get their presidential candidate, Howie Hawkins, on the November ballot, Greens talked to Seattle people on the street.
Among them were the unhoused and formerly unhoused who expressed concerns about the sweeps by Seattle Police Department that push the homeless out of the downtown by scooping up their sole possessions like so much trash, leaving them much worse off.
Now, in response to demands by Black Lives Matter to demilitarize the police, Seattle City Council did the opposite of what the intent was (to reallocate those funds to serve the community).
They kept the police sweeps in play but removed social service allies from that situation and domestic violence response without having an alternative social services system already in place.
The sweeps of the homeless need to stop altogether and alternatives must be taken seriously. The GPWA affirms that unhoused people are protected by 4th Amendment protections against unwarranted search and seizure, protections of personal privacy and property, as well as the right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion into whatever temporary residence they’ve fabricated in a crisis.
Rainy weather and shorter daylight hours are signals that Winter is coming. In 2020 the Pandemic conditions will likely make resources even more scarce for those neighbors who are unhomed. Close to 200 presumed homeless people died in King County in 2018, at least 90 in 2017, numbers for 2019 are not available, but not all are counted. This year Winter will be complicated by both Flu and Pandemic conditions that limit available outreach resources in Seattle.

[Reprinted with permission from TRU.] Message from Tye donate to TRU’s Solidarity Fund:

“For all the newbies who haven’t heard, TRU has set up a Solidarity Fund to provide for the basic needs of encampment residents surviving in the city unsheltered during a global pandemic and social uprising. A fellow TRU member and I have been visiting a couple camps in Ballard every Sunday to assess their needs, chat with campers, and be somewhat of a bridge between resources and the people living there.

So far, generous TRU members and friends have been able to accrue over $1,500 to support our neighbors living in tent encampments. During these last few weeks, I’ve put those funds to good use buying whatever I could that the campers asked for: tents, beef jerky, snacks, a jillion cases of water, socks for daaays, underwear, shirts, bags of ice, gas to power generators, and probably a few other things I’ve forgotten to mention (keep up with the updates on TRU’s Members’ Wall, Facebook, and Instagram!).

We’ve also been able to snag some free harm reduction and toiletry items from community members and organizations <3So today I’m asking for money. We are running low on our funds and will have to start reserving our resources for highly necessary items like water and tents, which can be verrry pricey. I am hoping to create a regular schedule of volunteers who can consistently serve these camps and I have dreams of doing weekly or twice weekly hot meals, and none of this can happen without the support of our community and organization.

Please do not give more than you comfortably can but remember: shares with your rich friends and family are always free!!
Love, peace, and afro grease.”
– Tye Donate to the Solidarity FundJoin TRU

Kalama Fracked Gas-Methanol Plant EIS

Oppose the proposed Kalama Manufacturing and Marine Export Facility.

Oppose Fracking, Don’t Enable it.

Northwest Innovation Works and the Port of Kalama are proposing to a build a facility based on marginal and debatable short term economic benefits for our state.

“Ecology’s new analysis reveals what the project’s backers have long denied: that the refinery would cause more methanol to be burned as fuel overseas and result in significant methane pollution from fracking. The methanol refinery would quickly become one of Washington’s most significant sources of climate-changing pollution and use more fracked gas than all of Washington’s gas-fired power plants, combined. The Sightline Institute writes that the project would be a “climate disaster.” According to folks at Columbia RiverKeeper.

The extreme long term damage to surrounding ecosystems in our state are unacceptable risks for the sake of multinational investors to profit from overseas plastics production.
The plant would also encourage continued fracked gas extractions by their domestic partners here in the United States.
The facility would be able to produce 10,000 metric tons of methanol a day and would use 320 million cubic feet of natural gas a day.
This would make the plant the largest facility of it’s kind in the world.
Most of the Methanol created would be used to manufacture plastics, in Asia.

Public comment on the newly released EIS [environmental impact study] is open until October 2, 2020.
Please leave them a personal statement:
If you are not sure what to say here are some of the reasons that
Greens and Climate Allies Oppose the Kalama Methanol Plant:

• Columbia and Kalama rivers aquifer depletion from manufacturing
• Private property and historic cemetery land would be seized to build pipelines
• Methanol to be used for manufacture of plastics in China; of no local economic benefit to our state
• Toxic by-products and flammable liquid storage risks would all be assumed by local communities in an earthquake
• Climate pollution emissions would be more than a million tons per year
• Increased tanker traffic to Asia for transport of methanol threatens migratory mammals near the mouth of the Columbia River
• Increased stress on already threatened Salmon and Orca populations
• Proposed refinery does not replace any coal-based chemical plant in China so does not actually decrease the sum total of fossil fuel emissions worldwide

Washington State has bountiful but finite natural resources. It is critical that our community act wisely. The consideration of our future generations and their environmental, health and food security is more important than short term profits for local construction firms and foreign investors.
In Solidarity for a Sustainable Future.


https://gpsea.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/[email protected]

Got Yard Signs?

Not Biden, Not Trump? Put up a sign about it.

From CJ Sellers, Chapter Lead of East Seattle Greens:

“I have Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker campaign yard signs for our Washington chapters and maybe some left over for folks out in unorganized areas. I’ll be bringing them around the state starting tomorrow [9/23] in Seattle. Let’s talk about getting you a sign? PM me.”

Are you living on the Microsoft side of the waters from Seattle? Their chapter is picking up steam, join today! [We already know all the artsy free thinking non conformist science believing geeks understand there is no planet B. Even tho we might not be ‘joiners’ by nature, let’s be that herd of ‘different kind of cats’ together.]

Contact C.J. Sellers [ [email protected] | 425-324-6867] to officially join this chapter if you live in the areas east of Seattle including East King County or Snohomish County.

Message facebook or [email protected] and Alice [text 2673722958] can distribute signs on Friday in the am.