Oppose the proposed Kalama Manufacturing and Marine Export Facility.
Oppose Fracking, Don’t Enable it.
Northwest Innovation Works and the Port of Kalama are proposing to a build a facility based on marginal and debatable short term economic benefits for our state.
“Ecology’s new analysis reveals what the project’s backers have long denied: that the refinery would cause more methanol to be burned as fuel overseas and result in significant methane pollution from fracking. The methanol refinery would quickly become one of Washington’s most significant sources of climate-changing pollution and use more fracked gas than all of Washington’s gas-fired power plants, combined. The Sightline Institute writes that the project would be a “climate disaster.” According to folks at Columbia RiverKeeper.
The extreme long term damage to surrounding ecosystems in our state are unacceptable risks for the sake of multinational investors to profit from overseas plastics production.
The plant would also encourage continued fracked gas extractions by their domestic partners here in the United States.
The facility would be able to produce 10,000 metric tons of methanol a day and would use 320 million cubic feet of natural gas a day.
This would make the plant the largest facility of it’s kind in the world.
Most of the Methanol created would be used to manufacture plastics, in Asia.
Public comment on the newly released EIS [environmental impact study] is open until October 2, 2020.
Please leave them a personal statement:
If you are not sure what to say here are some of the reasons that
Greens and Climate Allies Oppose the Kalama Methanol Plant:
• Columbia and Kalama rivers aquifer depletion from manufacturing
• Private property and historic cemetery land would be seized to build pipelines
• Methanol to be used for manufacture of plastics in China; of no local economic benefit to our state
• Toxic by-products and flammable liquid storage risks would all be assumed by local communities in an earthquake
• Climate pollution emissions would be more than a million tons per year
• Increased tanker traffic to Asia for transport of methanol threatens migratory mammals near the mouth of the Columbia River
• Increased stress on already threatened Salmon and Orca populations
• Proposed refinery does not replace any coal-based chemical plant in China so does not actually decrease the sum total of fossil fuel emissions worldwide
Washington State has bountiful but finite natural resources. It is critical that our community act wisely. The consideration of our future generations and their environmental, health and food security is more important than short term profits for local construction firms and foreign investors.
In Solidarity for a Sustainable Future.
https://gpsea.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/[email protected]