Seattle Defends Abortion Rights!



The Republican Party and the Right are waging an all-out assault on the rights of women and LGBTQ people. The ultra-conservative majority on the Supreme Court opened the floodgates for Republican-dominated states to attack abortion rights. And they aren’t stopping there. Republicans are going after transgender rights, voting rights, workers’ rights, and more.

Just last month, 195 Republicans in the House voted against making access to contraception a federal law!  Additionally, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a NATIONAL ABORTION BAN BILL. And to top it off, the US Supreme Court’s new session starts this week, and one of the cases they’ll be ruling on addresses same-sex marriage.

We need to fight back!

To win bodily autonomy, abortion rights, and LGBTQ liberation, we need to build an independent multi-gendered, multi-racial, grassroots movement of everyday people and young people. That’s why it is so important that every organization and individual actively participates in this National Weekend of Action called by The Women’s March. We need a strong mass movement to beat back the Republicans and pressure Democrats to implement:

  • The Women’s Health Protection Act (which would legalize abortion nationwide, overriding state bans)
  • The end of the Senate filibuster
  • Expansion of the Supreme Court with pro-choice judges
  • Medicare for All, including:
    • Free, legal, safe abortions
    • Free contraception, birth control, & reproductive services
  • Affordable universal childcare & paid family leave
  • Living wages & affordable housing for all
  • Free gender-affirming healthcare



Spread the word! Invite friends and organizations to join us!

To endorse, collaborate, get flyers to use in your community, or volunteer: (206) 930-2010, [email protected]

Sponsored by Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

Endorsed by:
The Women’s March
Seattle Education Association
United Auto Workers Local 4121
SEIU 1199NW Staff Union
Real Change
​​Seattle Peace Chorus Action Ensemble
Labor for Black Lives
Puget Sound Mobilization for Reproductive Justice
Seattle Green Wave
Radical Women
Whole Washington
Socialist Alternative
Freedom Socialist Party
Seattle Revolutionary Socialists

Endorsed by the Green Party of Washington State and the Green Party of Seattle

July 30th – Seattle March for #HealthcareJustice

On July 30th, the Seattle March for #HealthcareJustice will take place on the 57th anniversary of the passage of Medicare!

You are invited to attend!

Please RSVP here.

Details are still being worked out, so be sure to RSVP to stay up to date.

There are so many reasons to march for healthcare justice this year:

  • We are still deeply impacted by the COVID pandemic. A new study estimates that more than 330,000 lives could have been saved by universal healthcare.
  • We just lost Roe v. Wade – now is the time to DEMAND universal healthcare with full coverage of abortion be passed immediately to remove all financial barriers to reproductive care.
  • Medicare is currently under the attack of privatization through the REACH program – we need the Biden administration to know that we see what’s happening, and we won’t stand for it.
  • We have a serious chance at getting statewide single-payer healthcare on the ballot for Washington state!
  • The midterms are coming up soon and we need Medicare for All to be a non-negotiable electoral issue!

As with all marches, promotion and turnout are essential. Please share this action with as many people as possible and invite a friend or two to join you. We have just a few weeks before we march so this is an all-hands-on-deck moment!

This event is co-sponsored by Medicare for All EVERYWHERE, Whole Washington, the Seattle DSA Healthcare Working Group, and the Green Party of Seattle, and we expect this coalition to continue to grow. Last year’s event was an incredible success featuring fantastic speakers like Stephanie Gallardo, Nikkita Oliver, and Kshama Sawant!

We know that the community will come out again to march for healthcare justice! See you on the 30th!

Green Party Results 2021

election day and beyond

Green Party of the United States

For Immediate Release:



Michael O’Neil, Communications Manager, [email protected], 202-804-2758

Diana Brown, Co-chair, Media Committee, [email protected], 202-804-2758

Philena Farley, Co-chair, Media Committee,  [email protected], 202-804-2758


Greens Score at Least 17 Victories in November Elections


2 new city council representatives elected in the state of Maine

WASHINGTON — Maine Green Independent Party candidates Anna Trevorrow and Scott Harriman winning city council races in Portland and Lewiston (the state’s first- and second-most populous cities, respectively) are highlights among the national party’s 17 electoral victories declared since polls closed on Tuesday.

Trevorrow, who ran while holding an elected seat on Portland’s school board, credited her win to “a strong ground-campaign, in which I had 837 conversations with voters, promoting a vision for Portland that is accessible to the working class and enacts policy through an equity lens” in a post to social media. Since 2002, Greens have won two state house, eight city council, 12 school board and two water board seats in Portland.

Harriman pledged to represent his district “proudly and to the best of my ability on the City Council” in Lewiston, where he ran on supporting fully-funded public schools, equity in education and environmental health in the district.

In Minneapolis, MN, Green candidate Samantha Pree-Stinson became the first Black Woman to be elected to the city’s Board of Estimation & Taxation. The Green Party also faced a set-back in Minneapolis, with four-term city council representative Cam Gordon not winning re-election. Gordon faced a backlash for supporting replacing the city’s police department with a Department of Public Safety and a gauntlet of challengers backed by a flood of “money from outside of the ward,” according to his campaign team.

This week’s Green wins add to 19 electoral victories from earlier in the year.

November victories in races that have been called, so far,  include:

  • Anna Trevorrow, City Council, District 1, Portland (Cumberland County) ME
  • Scott Harriman, City Council, District 2, Lewiston, ME
  • Dagmar Noll, Town Council, Willimantic (Windham County) CT
  • Joseph Wetmore, Town Board, Lansing (Tompkins County) NY
  • Megan Parks, School Committee, Lewiston Public Schools (Androscoggin County) ME
  • Matthew Reitenhauer, School Board, Brandywine Heights, Topton (Berks County) PA
  • Samantha Pree-Stinson, Board of Estimation and Taxation At-large, Minneapolis (Hennepin County) MN
  • Charlie Krich,  At-large, Board of Directors, Willimantic Taxing District, Windham (Windham County) CT
  • Cassandra Martineau, At-large, Board of Directors, Willimantic Taxing District, Windham (Windham County) CT
  • Leif Smith, Constable, Redding (Fairfield County) CT
  • Hugh Birdsall, Zoning Board of Appeals, Clinton (Middlesex County) CT
  • Emery Ng, Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate, Windham (Windham County) CT
  • Michael Westerfield, Board of Assessment Appeals, Windham (Windham County) CT
  • Jay Sweeney, Auditor, Falls Township (Wyoming County) PA
  • Abigail Hunter, Judge of Elections Ward 7, Precinct 8, Pittsburgh (Allegheny County) PA
  • Jay Ting Walker, Judge of Elections, Ward 7, District 6, Pittsburgh (Allegheny County) PA
  • Andrew Moses Yanez Oliva, Judge of Elections, Ward 15, District 6, Reading (Berks County) PA

Greens nationwide also hailed successful ballot measures to implement Ranked Choice Voting in Broomfield, Colorado; Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Westbrook, Maine.

For a list of 2021 Green Party Candidates and Results as They Become Available, visit

Green Party of the United States


Newsroom | Twitter: @GreenPartyUS

Green Party Platform

Green New Deal

Green candidate database and campaign information

Facebook page


Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States

Green Papers

Are you a politically free thinking Seattle Ecosocialist interested in running Green in 2022? First look at the 10 Key Values to see if you are in alignment, then join Green Party of Washington and join the Loomio discussion group to get in touch with other Greens, learn the secret handshake, [kidding] and get on the mailing list for upcoming Seattle Chapter [GPSEA / “jip-SEE”] meetings.

Ecological Wisdom / Indigenous Wisdom

Speakers at Eco-action Webinar

The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States will hold an online webinar on Indigenous People’s Day this Monday.


Topics will include:

Indigenous Ecological Wisdom

Green New Deal and Green Economic Bill of Rights

Climate Change Science – IPCC WG Report


Rights of Nature

The Fight against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Featured speakers include:

Tom Goldtooth, Dine’/DakotaExecutive Director, Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)Co-founder, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN)

Howie Hawkins, Former GPUS Presidential CandidateAuthor 2010 Green New Deal

Mark Dunlea, Cochair, GPUS EcoAction CommitteeGreen Education and Legal Fund

Tom Goldtooth will share Indigenous wisdom including Rights of Nature, talk about climate and indigenous efforts against new fossil fuel Infrastructure.

Howie Hawkins will discuss the recent inaction and retreat by Congress on passing a green and social stimulus package. He will highlight the need for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal which includes strong environmental justice measures and an economic bill of rights.

Mark Dunlea will discuss the upcoming COP26 in November in Glasgow and the need for dramatic increase in funding from the US and other polluter nations to the Global South and developing countries for respond to risks from the climate crisis. He will also highlight the need for increased and binding emission reduction targets to keep global warming below 1.5 degree centigrade.

Register at:





Volunteer with GPWA!

Volunteer with the Green Party!

Posted on October 8, 2021 by Green Party of Washington

The Green Party is governed by our principles and values, and unlike the corporate political parties, we do not accept — and are not influenced by — corporate cash. Our platform is based on our values of peace, sustainability, grassroots democracy, and justice for all. We aim to broaden the scope of political discourse and reshape the political process.

We are currently forming teams for each of the volunteer options in our recently updated Volunteer Form. We want to make good use of your skills, knowledge, interests, and time to support the Green Party at state and local levels.

Your efforts make a direct impact on the growth and success of our party, and we look forward to working with you!

Please complete or update our revised Volunteer Form available at – and contact us to suggest other volunteer options.

Jody Grage, Volunteer Coordinator

Become a GPWA member, check your membership status, or renew your membership today!

Keep up with us on Twitter and Facebook
Donations are always appreciated and put to good use!


GPAX Press Release

GPAX Banner


WASHINGTON — The Green Party’s Peace Action Committee (GPAX) has issued the following statement requesting public support “for the organization of a preliminary hearing to consider indictment of select i) U.S. political leaders; ii) U.S. military leaders; and iii) leaders of private U.S. arms manufacturers” for war crimes committed during the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.
The announcement comes on the 20th anniversary of the invasion.

The entire statement follows:

Twenty years ago today – October 7, 2001 – the United States launched Operation Enduring Freedom, a military invasion of Afghanistan that would prove to usher in the longest war in American history. The two-decade military occupation resulted in the death of over 47,000 Afghan civilians, 2,400 U.S. soldiers, 3,800 U.S. contractors, 66,000 Afghan soldiers, and 500 journalists and aid workers, while racking up a more than $2 trillion bill.The end result of these enormous expenditures and unconscionable human toll: Afghanistan lies in ruin, the Taliban is back in power and tens of thousands of people (military and civilian) have been physically or mentally disabled (a reality that will continue costing the U.S. government billions of dollars a year in healthcare costs for veterans for the foreseeable future).While representing a total strategic failure, the war also ignominiously represents one of the gravest acts of aggressive militarism of the 21st century. Many of its political architects in the U.S. remain in positions of power today and private arms manufacturers retain their massive ill-gotten profits. It is high time that the warmongering orthodoxy of public and private sector elites dominating the American foreign policy and national security establishments be held to account!

To this end, the Peace Action Committee of the Green Party of the United States (GPAX) is calling for the organization of a preliminary hearing to consider indictment of select
i) U.S. political leaders; ii) U.S. military leaders; and iii) leaders of private U.S. arms manufacturers on the following counts:Crimes of aggression in Afghanistan, as understood in accordance with Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute);War crimes in Afghanistan, as understood in accordance with Article 8 of the Rome Statute;Crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, as understood in accordance with Article 7 of the Rome Statute; andComplicity in commission of the above enumerated crimes in Afghanistan.We invite all interested organizations and individuals to assist us in convening this hearing, which should take place before the end of this calendar year. We anticipate this hearing constituting the basis of i) a recommendation to the International Criminal Court that investigation proceedings be initiated; and/or
ii) a People’s Inquiry into the War in Afghanistan, modeled on the People’s International War Crimes Tribunal organized by Bertrand Russell in 1966 inquiring into crimes committed by the United States in the war in Vietnam.
Please join us in this effort!
Interested parties should contact us at [email protected].”

October 9, 2001 Green Party statement rejecting military invasion as response to 9/11
Green Party statement following withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan
Green Party of the United States Peace Action Committee

Newsroom | Twitter: @GreenPartyUS
Green Party Platform
Green New Deal
Green candidate database and campaign information
Ballot Access
Facebook page
Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Green Papers

Seattle Greens Prefer Nikkita Oliver

Vote for Nikkita Oliver for Seattle City Council Position 9. 

Both Nikkita Oliver’s [they/them] platform, as well as their qualifications, make them the Green Party of Seattle’s preferred candidate for Seattle City Council Position 9. 

As a Lawyer, an Educator, a Community Activist, and a Creative they are also the only candidate Greens know as actually equipped with the depth of understanding of all the moving parts necessary to grasp the controls of a future fluent Seattle.

Vote for Nikkita.

Demilitarize the Police, yes. Support youth and families so they may flourish, yes. Environmental Justice, yes. Racial and Economic Justice, yes. Universal Healthcare and Social Safety Nets, yes. Arts & Culture, yes. Quality of Life, yes.

All the things that make sense to Greens, yes!

Volunteer for Nikkita.

Think Globally, Vote Locally. Seattle Democracy Vouchers are increasing voter turnout because candidates now have an opportunity to run on grassroots funding, and this is a portal of entry into politics for individuals who represent us, our neighbors, friends, coworkers, and families. The real ones. 

Donate to Nikkita.

Progressive candidates can only move up on the political food chain if they are elected locally. On the local level, there is no electoral college, your vote is… your vote. Although Greens and other Alternative Party candidates are largely excluded from participation in national politics, our local elections matter because the Grassroots is where we live, where we can strengthen our community, and where regenerative solutions for a sustainable future can begin to take shape. 

Disclaimer: The Green Party of Washington is an Alternative Party. GPWA does not endorse candidates from the cartel parties of War and Wall Street. According to the Green Party of Seattle bylaws, GPSEA may evaluate local candidates based on our Green Party Ten Key Values. We choose to officially ‘prefer’ the candidate that best approximates our ‘Green’ values.

Support The Green Wave!

Wherever you are, you can help support Green candidates! Seattle Greens can help Greens in Forks, WA!

Steve Wright is on Twitter @Wright4Forks and his website is We think a Green mayor is just right for Forks, a community near our own PNW temperate rain forest.
A Washington Green is running for Mayor of Forks!

 Sustainability, no longer a fringe idea. Move ahead; forward motion defines a Progressive.

Kshama Sawant: District 3 Leadership

Green Party of Seattle remains in solidarity with Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant. Remember to vote against the Recall by December 7th, 2021.

The neighborhoods of Capitol Hill, First Hill, the Central District, Montlake, Madison Valley, and Madison Park in Central Seattle have been the most severely impacted by gentrification, and have reaped the local backlash of seeds planted by opportunistic developers and the continuous erosion of social safety nets. Seattle’s District 3 neighborhoods are rich, vibrant, and diverse communities. Rich and vibrant communities can only emerge from free-thinking individuals who put boots on the ground to solve problems.

Meanwhile, Cartel Party [Duopoly] conservatives frame District 3 Leadership as notorious for outside-of-the-box political experimentation that threatens the status quo. Read CHOP. Manipulating public opinion with fear-mongering is so much easier than offering practical solutions. Alternative Parties and activist organizations that actually represent the interests of Working People, or that favor Regenerative Global Solutions over Extractive Capitalism are considered the most dangerous to the 1%.

Kshama Sawant City Council Committees:

Critical Thinking for Green Voters engages individuals to process real world information.

How do we evaluate if people elected to office are working for us?
Do they represent their constituents or only their party? 
Do they actually work on public policy?
Do they facilitate positive change?
Do they make sense, or deflect from difficult topics?
Do they communicate a vision, or transmit fears?
Do they strengthen communities or disenfranchise them?
Do they make more time for citizens or for lobbyists?

The Recall effort is a fake. It is anything but ‘grassroots.’ The Kshama Sawant Recall effort is funded by CEOs, more than 500 individual Republican donors, and corporate real estate developers. However, when funding limitations on individual donors falter, the 1% can always step in with PAC money and the entrenched ‘status quo’ of cartel politics here in the US.

Despite the amount of corporate PAC money from donors like Amazon, Kshama was re-elected in 2019 by her constituents. That is actually a testament to the level of political intelligence of voters in District 3, and their ability to see through the smokescreen of scare tactics and deflection by the forces that actually foment homelessness, political discord, and wealth inequality in Seattle.

Kshama is a fierce fighter and her overt activism and delivery style pushes panic buttons for those who are triggered by the word ‘Socialist’. As Ecosocialist Greens, the Seattle Green Party supports a local free market, strong social safety nets, environmental protections, Green Technology, and resilient public infrastructure. [Social solutions for social institutions.] Kshama is a breath of fresh air compared to those political forces seeking to commodify every human being on earth, even to the extent of upselling the very air that we breathe and the water that we drink.

The Green Party of Seattle applauds Kshama Sawant for doing her job and supporting the evolution of political consciousness that she represents.

Although the Recall Campaign did not make the ballot this November, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that corporate funds [in excess of those that can send a billionaire to space] will continue to be leveraged against her. A special Recall Election is scheduled for December 7, 2021.

Real talk, for Washington State citizens who see homeless encampments in Seattle and news of violent incidents that occurred at CHOP on TV, consume Fox News media on the regular, and were triggered by the word ‘Socialist’ to begin with, Kshama Sawant appears to be a “politically dangerous” person. Kshama Sawant, for these folks, represents the shape of radical political unrest, and they do not look at root causes once these fears are triggered. Many who address problems head-on experience ‘guilt by association‘ this way. The reality is that to bring focus to the root causes of homelessness and to inspire community empowerment, you have to get loud and emotional to get media attention. Greens are not historically good at this, but we are here for it, and we support her efforts.

A special Recall Election is scheduled for December 7, 2021. This is not a regular election day; this is a strategic date that favors the recall campaign because younger voters tend not to be frightened by Socialists, or participate in local elections. Please remind people you know in District 3 to vote! We need to keep Kshama working on the Seattle City Council! Without someone who represents the people who actually live in Capitol Hill, First Hill, the Central District, Montlake, Madison Valley and Madison Park, they and we will lose the political agency of an empowered political voice willing to stand against the economic oppression that has decimated so much of our city’s infrastructure.

Progressive candidates can only move up on the political food chain if they are supported locally. Although Greens and other Alternative Party candidates are largely excluded from participation in national politics, our local elections matter because the Grassroots is where we live, where we can strengthen our community, and where regenerative solutions for a sustainable future can begin to take shape.

Disclaimer: The Green Party of Washington is an Alternative Party. GPWA does not endorse candidates from the cartel parties of War and Wall Street. According to the Green Party of Seattle bylaws, GPSEA may evaluate local candidates based on our Green Party Ten Key Values. We choose to officially ‘prefer’ the candidate that best approximates our ‘Green’ political values. 

Greens are AntiWar

Green Party of Seattle withdraws support for the EndtheDamnWars event on Saturday.

September 11, 2021, is this Saturday. Stay home and light a candle. Wage Peace.

Greens and Peace activists such as Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, Ground Zero, and others are actually peaceful.

GPSEA reverses our previous endorsement of an anti-war sign waving event. The involvement of the Boogaloo Bois in the EndtheDamnWars organization creates an unsafe space for non-violent people.

During 2020, Boogaloo adherents increasingly attended protests and riots, and they often sought to capitalize on high tensions to incite violence and chaos.

Demands of the folx:

  • End the Regime Change Wars
  • End the Unconstitutional Military Operations
  • End the targeting of Anti-war journalists, activists, and whistleblowers
  • End global intelligence operations that instigate conflict
  • Cut the US military budget
  • Audit the Pentagon
  • Stop arming and funding oppressive regimes
  • Scale back the US military bases around the world
  • End economic warfare

Seattle Greens agree with those stated points. We can not vet this organization’s event.

Greens do not support anarchy, civil war, or violence against cops, protesters or anyone else.

Unfortunately there actually are sociopaths who pose as legitimate activists. Those that would throw a match in a crowd simply to watch people burn. Where the Boogaloo Bois go, people get hurt.

It’s hard to know how seriously to take the boogaloo threat. Some are likely just joking when they “shit-post” about shooting cops or “yeeting alphabet boys”—killing government law-enforcement agents. But others seem serious. They’ve already shown up heavily armed (and in their signature Hawaiian shirts) at protests and at state capitols. They’ve allegedly killed law-enforcement officers, talked about throwing Molotov cocktails at cops during the racial-justice protests this summer, and plotted to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. They say they want a total reset of society, even if they haven’t thought very hard about what, exactly, should come next.

Wage Peace.

Wage Peace.