Greens and Allies, walk with us! Meeting at the Westlake monorail station at 12:45pm. Wear something green. You will see a short lady holding up a very tall sunflower!

It all starts with you.
The Green Party of Washington State is one of the many sponsors of the #M4M4ALL [March for Medicare for All] which takes place in cities and towns all over the country this Saturday, July 24, 2021.
The Green Party of Washington State strongly urges all Green Party members and supporters to get involved!
The Green Party supports single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all. We believe that health care is a right, not a privilege. Single-payer universal healthcare has been in our platform since 2000. This has not changed.
What has changed is that now an overwhelming majority of US residents agree with us. Unfortunately, elected politicians from the major parties are reluctant to go against a powerful corporate healthcare system that favors dollars over public health.
The COVID-19 pandemic taught people that human life is worth more than clickbait. So many people want Medicare for All right now that a critical mass of us are about to take to the streets.
Take action! Join us at the march! Join this massive grassroots effort. Together, we will win!
The Seattle march will start at Westlake Park and end at the Seattle Center Mural Amphitheater. More Speakers will convene at the Mural Stage behind the space needle. Registration Details are here:
Seattle march details: Green Allies meet up at 12:45 PM at the Westlake monorail station. Visual clue: Big Sunflower. People wearing more than the average amount of Green. People coming from out of town may want to park near the Seattle Center and take the monorail to the rally start at Westlake. Also, you may want to do a park and ride, Uber, Lift or Taxi, or look on the #M4M4All website for a rideshare. We highly encourage public transportation.

Requests for Green Party Supporters and March Participants:
- Please share information and boost posts about #M4M4ALL. All of us are differently-abled, spreading the information and sharing live streams also speaks to power, and is an important act of solidarity for our organizers.
- Donate if you can, this march is people powered but money helps the cause!
- Green Party supporters should ‘be seen being Green’ and take photos and videos. Please wear a green hat, top, or scarf if possible as a visual cue. Seattle Greens meet up at 12:45 PM at the Westlake monorail station.
- [Seattle] Volunteers to set up and table outside at the Seattle Center Mural Amphitheatre. Let us know if you can help with setting up and/or staffing our table. We will also be collecting signatures for Initiative 1362 — Whole Washington — Universal Healthcare for Washington State!
- If you have a Green Party friend in another part of the country, help them find their local March! This is something that all Progressives can agree on, so we can bring our not Green [yet] friends too!

Mandate from the People: It is time to reject Illness for Profit and Choose Healthcare for All!

Take action! Join us at the march! Join this massive grassroots effort from several Progressive sponsors.
Together, we will win.