Health Care Is a Human Right Steering Committee is presenting a teach-in on Medicare for All and State-based Universal Healthcare on June 15, 2021:
Please join us to hear Stephanie Kang, Health Policy Director for Rep. Pramila Jayapal, explain the Medicare for All proposal and health care gains we could win in the next big Congressional package. We will also get a report on the new Washington State Universal Health Care Commission and other health care gains made in the 2021 legislative session.
Register here in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
How We Can Advance Universal Health Care in Congress & in WA State
Despite President Biden’s administration making clear it does not support Medicare for All at this time, real possibilities are emerging to advance universal, equitable, and affordable health care, both federally and in Washington state.
The potential of the next budget reconciliation bill in Congress. There will be at least one budget reconciliation package put forward this summer. A top priority of Speaker Pelosi, Congressional progressives, and the advocacy community is to include Medicare negotiation of drug prices which will generate huge savings. Progressives are also advocating to use the savings to expand Medicare to provide hearing, vision, dental benefits, and an out-of-pocket cap, and lower the Medicare eligibility age to 60. These improvements will build Medicare’s popularity and the demand for Medicare for All.
Washington’s New Universal Health Care Commission is a big deal. Governor Inslee signed SB 5399 and WA state will have a permanent, funded UHC Commission by July 25th. The UHC Commission is tasked with figuring out the preliminary nuts and bolts of a universal health care system for WA. It has a trigger to apply for the relevant financial waivers within 60 days of their becoming available.
Thanks to the leadership of Sen. Emily Randall and her House and Senate colleagues and the strength of grassroots advocates. Washingtonians could benefit from universal health care coverage sooner than Congress will be able to pass a national Medicare for All plan. But this will require the enactment of key provisions of Rep. Ro Khanna’s federal State Based Universal Health Care Act of 2021.
— Quote from “Washington Quietly Passed One of the Strongest Universal Health Care Laws in the Country,” The Stranger.