People that help each other are harder to commodify; this is why Extractive Capitalism divides us. Greens are a collaborative coalition party worldwide. Let’s work together!
Volunteer with the Green Party!
Posted on October 8, 2021 by Green Party of Washington
The Green Party is governed by our principles and values, and unlike the corporate political parties, we do not accept — and are not influenced by — corporate cash. Our platform is based on our values of peace, sustainability, grassroots democracy, and justice for all. We aim to broaden the scope of political discourse and reshape the political process.
We are currently forming teams for each of the volunteer options in our recently updated Volunteer Form. We want to make good use of your skills, knowledge, interests, and time to support the Green Party at state and local levels.
Your efforts make a direct impact on the growth and success of our party, and we look forward to working with you!
Please complete or update our revised Volunteer Form available at – and contact us to suggest other volunteer options.
Jody Grage, Volunteer Coordinator
Become a GPWA member, check your membership status, or renew your membership today!
Rules of Decorum. How we communicate is important. We are comrades. You can speak your truth and also maintain community safety. Human beings make mistakes. Response Able people are accountable.
Restorative Justice invites us to examine our actions, correct our own behavior, and move forward with sincere intention to repair any damage we have caused. The whole planet needs Restorative Justice.
Mutual Aid is a purposeful exchange of resources and services for mutual benefit. Mutual aid networks focus on positive social connections for the general welfare. EcoSocialists promote Mutual Aid because it is fundamental to natural law, functional families, and healthy communities.
People that help each other are harder to commodify; this is why Extractive Capitalism divides us.