Want to garden and also help your community?
From our community Pea Patch folx:
The Seattle Giving Garden Network (SGGN.org) was started about 10 years ago by a group of giving gardener volunteers who wanted to network with other gardeners. Those initial volunteers held a ‘Jazz for Food’ concert to raise funds for SGGN. This network has provided seeds and starts to Giving Gardeners in addition to small grants for improvements to your p-patches.
Over the years that initial group has moved on to other responsibilities or other cities leaving all the responsibilities on the shoulders of one volunteer: Dianne Garcia.
Now Dianne is leaving for other responsibilities, she is about to become a grandmother.
This is an invitation for you to participate in keeping SGGN alive and well. Here are ways to participate in SGGN and keep it going.
Send email to SGGN.org and express your interest.
Choose one or many of the following opportunities. All these activities are established and your responsibility would be to continue it and provide your unique contribution.
– Liaison with the seed producing companies to obtain free seed packets and distribute the seed packets to Seattle Giving Gardeners. Reach out and connect with the seed growers! This is a Fall and Winter activity.
– Establish relationships with the Seattle Food Banks and learn what their clients really want in the way of fresh produce. Communicate this to the Seattle Giving Gardeners.
– Interface with Seattle Neighborhood Department that collects and distributes information about contributions made by all the giving gardeners to the food banks over the year. Know more about our city and how it works and get to know the individuals involved.
– Help organize a yearly meeting with all the Seattle Giving Gardeners to share the seed packets and information about what each garden is growing. Last year it was via Zoom, in the past it has been a gathering with either a dinner (provided by Whole Foods) or a coffee and pastry gathering. This is an opportunity to use your social skills to bring people together.
– Maintain the SGGN.org website and allow gardeners to post photos OR create and maintain a Facebook page OR some other nifty tech way of sharing what gardeners are doing. Tech creativity and commitment appreciated.
– Interface with the national Seed Campaign platform to represent SGGN in their November fundraiser. This is where SGGN gets funds for the Sprouts Project and funds for small grants to giving gardeners. This is the fundraising activity.
– Interface with GROW, the fiscal organization that holds the SGGN funds: https://www.grownorthwest.org/copy-of-our-work<https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=701b13d6-2f802ade-701b3b66-86e696e30194-8ad39cd71c95ad79&q=1&e=ce67aa60-0255-4504-87cb-c9ce38f0c415&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.grownorthwest.org%2Fcopy-of-our-work>. This is an opportunity to review and sign off on small grants for Seattle Giving Gardeners. Do you have a financial background and an interest in paying the bills?
– Coordinate all the above activities! Do you have organization skills to bring all these different activities together into an orchestrated whole?
I want to acknowledge Dianne Garcia who has been wearing all these hats for SGGN over the last few years. As you can see, it will take many volunteers to fill her shoes. Thanks to Dianne for all her good work and commitment over the years. And congratulations to her on her new role as grandmother!
Now, what would you like to contribute? All these tasks will disappear without new volunteers coming forward. Truly SGGN will disappear without new volunteers filling these responsibilities.
Send an email to: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> to let us know what you would like to do. Please send it by June 15th and we will schedule
a Zoom meeting for all who are interested.
Please share this note with all gardeners interested in supporting the Seattle Giving Garden Network.
Kit from Ballard Sprouts