The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States will hold an online webinar on Indigenous People’s Day this Monday.
Topics will include:
Indigenous Ecological Wisdom
Green New Deal and Green Economic Bill of Rights
Climate Change Science – IPCC WG Report
Rights of Nature
The Fight against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
Featured speakers include:
Tom Goldtooth, Dine’/DakotaExecutive Director, Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)Co-founder, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN)
Howie Hawkins, Former GPUS Presidential CandidateAuthor 2010 Green New Deal
Mark Dunlea, Cochair, GPUS EcoAction CommitteeGreen Education and Legal Fund
Tom Goldtooth will share Indigenous wisdom including Rights of Nature, talk about climate and indigenous efforts against new fossil fuel Infrastructure.
Howie Hawkins will discuss the recent inaction and retreat by Congress on passing a green and social stimulus package. He will highlight the need for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal which includes strong environmental justice measures and an economic bill of rights.
Mark Dunlea will discuss the upcoming COP26 in November in Glasgow and the need for dramatic increase in funding from the US and other polluter nations to the Global South and developing countries for respond to risks from the climate crisis. He will also highlight the need for increased and binding emission reduction targets to keep global warming below 1.5 degree centigrade.
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