- Green Party of the United States to Hold Annual National Meeting Online, July 15-18 2021
- Schedule of Events for Media Available Now
The Green Party’s 2021 Annual National Meeting (ANM) will occur online to respect public health recommendations regarding non-necessary travel and large gatherings as the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- What: Green Party of the United States 2021 Annual National Meeting
- When: Thursday, July 15 to Sunday, July 18, 2021
- Where: Online, with portions broadcast live to GP.org and social media platforms
- Theme: “Dismantling Oppression, Building Solidarity: A Green Party For Everyone”
- 2021 Green Annual National Meeting Page
- Media Credentialing Application
The gathering will occur over Zoom and other communications platforms from July 15 to July 18. The Green Party has designed the 2021 ANM with an exceptional focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training for party organizers. A team of dedicated trainers has been retained, including the consulting organization Frailty Myths. Public portions of the ANM program, including Keynote Speaker Kali Akuno, will be streamed live at https://www.gp.org/live.
The Green Party will broadcast portions of the workshops and guest speakers for free on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Twitch for the public.
Additional media opportunities will include a press conference with national Green Party leaders hosted on a dedicated Zoom videoconference.
Online workshops and panels will be offered to convention registrants throughout the meeting. Please register on the media credentialing page if you are interested in covering program events and news conferences.
Please note: sessions requiring sensitivity and confidentiality necessary for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work will not be open for press coverage.
Schedule of Press Events
Media Must Be Credentialed in Advance to Receive Zoom Information
Time Zone: U.S. Eastern Time
Details for all events are subject to change. A final advisory with updates and speaker details will be published the week of the convention.
Thursday, July 15, 9:00am
Press Conference welcoming media to the Green Party’s 2021 Annual National Meeting, featuring party officials and convention organizers.
Thursday, July 15, 9:00pm (estimated)
Panel Discussion following a screening of Surviving Pulse: Life after a Mass Shooting, with the producer and participants from the film.
Saturday, July 17, 8:00pm
Keynote Speaker: Kali Akuno, co-founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson and co-editor of Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi
Additional Information:
- 2021 Annual National Meeting Schedule Overview (In Formation)
- 2020 Annual National Meeting and Presidential Nominating Convention Archive
- Green New Deal
Green Party of the United States
Newsroom | Twitter: @GreenPartyUS
Green candidate database and campaign information
Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States