An Online Event with David Cobb in Support of ChrisTiana ObeySumner
You are invited!
Join former Green Party Presidential Candidate David Cobb for an online event in support of ChrisTiana ObeySumner, candidate for Seattle City Council.
ChrisTiana (they/them) is the Green Party-preferred candidate running to represent Seattle's north end with a message of racial, economic, and environmental justice. Their policy priorities align with the Green Party, especially in areas of housing, justice reform, transportation, and homelessness.
“When we center those most intersectionally impacted by policy,
we create collective, effective, and sustainable solutions for all communities.”
-ChrisTiana ObeySumner
ChrisTiana is a former social worker and is now the principal of a social equity consulting firm that specializes in social change, intersectionality, antiracism, and disability justice. Their perspective as an autistic and chronically-ill 37-year-old Black nonbinary person gives them the lived experience needed to craft and pass policies that benefit the most people. ChrisTiana would be one of the first openly neurodiverse people to serve on the City Council in a major city like Seattle.
David Cobb is a long-time national leader with the Green Party and was the campaign manager for Green candidate Jill Stein in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He brings experience working with the party to reframe their mission through an anti-racist lens and also focuses on getting money out of politics. David played a significant role in Washington State’s Initiative 735, which put the state on record to support overturning the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling.
You are invited to join the conversation and support ChrisTiana’s run!
Seattle’s local campaigns are publicly financed through a system where every voter gets $100 in Democracy Vouchers to give to candidates. All US voters can also donate up to $300 to the campaign, and there are strict spending limits.
ChrisTiana is the type of candidate that Democracy Vouchers were designed to benefit, and 85% of their funding has come through public financing. Christiana is the people-powered candidate in the race as almost 1,500 people have given to their campaign! ChrisTiana’s opponent is the business-backed candidate and has contributed over $30,000 of their money to their own campaign.
The Event details:
Race and Politics: Intersectional Barriers & Opportunities
An Online Event with David Cobb in Support of ChrisTiana ObeySumner
Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 7:00-8:30 PM Pacific Time
Zoom Link hosted by the Green Party of Washington will be emailed upon RSVP.
Seattle Democracy Vouchers are accepted. Suggested donations: $25, $100, $300
Please RSVP here.
If you cannot attend but would like to support ChrisTiana through a donation, please do here. If you live in Seattle and haven’t donated your vouchers yet, please do so here.
Everyone is welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you on October 10th!